Saturday, August 14, 2010

Deus Ex: Sepia Revolution

In case you didn't see it there is a new Deus Ex "gameplay" trailer out. While it actually simply looks like a cinematic trailer rendered in engine, I guess some of it could be gameplay. For your consideration:

Now, why in the hell is it so yellow?
I thought we got over this desaturated ultra bloom thing in video games. Though, I guess this isn't really desaturated as it is just make everything yellow and orange.

This looks really stupid. Why in the hell can't we simply have COLOURS in games anymore? Does making your game with less colours make it more hardcore? I
would love to hear Edios Montreal's reasoning for this, as I'm quite positive it must be monumentally absurd.

Really, that's the thing to keep in mind. Someone or even a group of people collectively chose to make the game look like this. Why? What possible reason is there? Such a bland colour choice just makes the whole damn game look bland. Gears of War started to bore the hell of me with it's washed out testosterone fueled bullet circus and I have no doubt the boring world in Deus Ex is going to start to grate on me as well.

You know, in REAL LIFE colours exist. Even in metropolis like cities. For your viewing pleasure I've mocked up some comparisons for you all below.

Toronto Regularly

Toronto in the Deus Ex World

There, doesn't that look MUCH more realistic?

No, of course it doesn't because real life is full of vibrant colours. I want to feel like I'm in an actual world in video games, and these disgusting and moronic colour pallets do nothing but put a huge barrier directly in the way of this goal.

Just bring back colours, the gamers miss them!