Monday, April 19, 2010

Why the new X-Com game won't work out

2K marin. Oh how I have so little good to say about you. Bioshock was a pretty fine game, it raised the bar for narrative and philosophical undertones in games, something I haven't seen before. There was social text in a video game!

However, you didn't make Bioshock, did you? No, you made Bioshock 2: Bioshock Again.
You were so terrified you wouldn't live up to the game before you that you pretty much just copied it entirely (which is funny as Bioshock just copied System Shock). Now, you're back. When I read that there was a new X-com game my heart jumped, then a few words later it came crashing back to the ground when I found out it would be another fucking FPS. I've never been simultaneously picked up then let down so drastically as this one headline.

So I, obviously, have several issues with this. Many of them revolving around what curious logic I can only imagine is being deployed at the 2K Marin office.

1) Why are you banking on the X-Com name?
As we all know, older gamers such as myself are jaded, nostalgic ridden assholes who love to hate everything. Perhaps that's a bit stereotypical, but hear me out on this:

My first assumption is that the MAJORITY of people who know what X-Com is and loved the X-Com games are older gamers much like myself. Not only that, but they are PC gamers, well known for being quite an unforgiving lot. So your PLAN here 2K Marin, was to assume these old and fickle gamers would be so attached to the X-Com name that they would forgive you for turning it into an FPS game? I think you're fucking crazy, and I'm sure it will have the exact OPPOSITE effect. There is, of course, reasons for this. Keep on reading!

2) X-Com wasn't about the universe
Look, I LOVE me some X-com, and back in the day they were incredibly atmospheric

Doesn't this send shivers down your spine?

so maybe not so much now-a-days, but TRUST ME, these were some tense games. However, atmosphere and tension aside this is not why people played X-Com games. The characters in the game were meaningless, the story ranged from ignorable to okay. The MAIN DRAW of the X-Com games was and STILL IS the GAMEPLAY.

That's right, we didn't play these games because we cared about our crew populated with randomly generated names, we played them because they were difficult, exciting and strategic. These games were punishingly cruel but the reward for out-smarting a level was the greatest feeling in gaming: true accomplishment. And really, this is how games were back then: it was difficult to integrate a complex narrative or to even create a true universe with a bunch of back story (which X-com does have... well, kind of).

Anyways, what I'm getting at here 2K Marin, is that using the X-Com license for the games is absolutely pointless because it wasn't the X-Com universe we really cared about it was the gameplay. You simply will not be able to re-create this game-play with an FPS, it's not possible.

3) It seems kind of lazy of you to do this
I don't think I'm alone here when I say this; it really does seem lazy of you to make X-Com an FPS game. We KNOW you have the bioshock 2 code kicking around and we know bioshock 2 is an FPS game. Thus it is at the very least suspicious that you take a beloved turn based strategy and turn it into an FPS game.

Now, this isn't all bad. Perhaps the studio wanted to get their feet wet with another FPS game. They did one, they learned a lot and want to work on another, I suppose there is no harm in catering to your own strengths. However, the concern I've been reading on the net is that the game is more or less going to just be a re-skinned Bioshock and I don't think these concerns are completely unwarranted.

However, I guess we'll just have to wait and see! Marin has already stated that you'll have limited characters and if one dies they're gone forever. This is already somewhat promising, but we'll have to see how the gameplay relates to bioshock.


All Systems GO

Hello to anyone and everyone reading this. This blog was created under the pretense that people enjoy reading my rants and raves and thus advised me to create a blog as an outlet and repository for access to these. I waste more time than anyone should keeping up with gaming news and I have more opinions than anyone should on said news. As such, most things in this blog will be game related, as you've probably figured out from the title.

Things in this blog are probably offensive and I have no intentions to censor myself in any way. If strong language offends you, look elsewhere!